Tree Life Training

Tree Life Training

Regular price $4,500.00
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2 Day Training

Encompasses: Theory, Poster + Learning Coloring Book Introduction

Cost Breakdown:

  • Trainer Day Rate: $2000 (up to 4-8 hours)
  • Training Materials + Digital Assets Creation: $500 (one-time fee)
  • Facility


Our expert led training guides educators on how to teach from the poster and incorporate activities with the learning coloring book. This also serves as a professional development training by exposing educators to the macroeconomic theory the poster is based on to support practical applications and re-illustratrations for students.

    Planning Details: 

    • Duration: 2 days, each with 3-4 hours training for groups of up to 20 people.
    • Training Session Person Capacity: Up to 10
    • Training Day Person Capacity: 20

    Training Flow: 

    Day One:
    Group 1 10 persons for 3-4 hours
    Group 2 10 persons for 3-4 hours
    Day Two:
    Group 1 10 persons for 3-4 hours
    Group 2 10 persons for 3-4 hours

    • Minimize the importance of things and money and increase the importance of knowledge, relationships, and experiences. 
    • Minimize the  value of what anyone can take from them. 
    • Understand the difference between natural flow and unnatural order. 
    • Understand the importance of order and why they should embrace the process..
    • Understand ways to express and name their value without money and material things. 
    • Learn the difference between Rich vs. Wealthy Capital 
    • Understand the difference of Scarce vs. Abundance Lens
    • Understand the difference of Survive vs. Thrive mindset 
    • Uncover their value system + mindset to practice intentionality + mindfulness for self, family + community.
    • Product Target: The Wealthy Fruit Tree can live in your home, classroom and community spaces.

    • More Details:  This colorful illustration was designed to influence mindful choices and encourage positive behavior that impacts self, family, community.

    • The Wealthy Fruit Tree was engineered as an analogy that a second grader can understand from a scarcely known macroeconomic theory recognizing how people, planet, and profit interchangeably work together through 8 forms of capital. This tool will empower students with awareness, language, and examples of all forms of capital to achieve an abundantly wealthy lifestyle.