Our interactive learning coloring book inspires fun engagement with regenerative terms, affirmations, illustrations, and exercises designed to enrich the students value system, mindfulness, accountability to family and community, and their connection to nature.
Product Purpose: Increase Comprehension, Vocabulary + Capital Exposure
- Minimize the importance of things and money and increase the importance of knowledge, relationships, and experiences.
- Minimize the value of what anyone can take from them.
- Understand the difference between natural flow and unnatural order.
- Understand the importance of order and why they should embrace the process..
- Understand ways to express and name their value without money and material things.
- Learn the difference between Rich vs. Wealthy Capital
- Understand the difference of Scarce vs. Abundance Lens
- Understand the difference of Survive vs. Thrive mindset
- Uncover their value system + mindset to practice intentionality + mindfulness for self, family + community.
Product Target: The Wealthy Fruit Tree can live in your home, classroom and community spaces.
More Details: This colorful illustration was designed to influence mindful choices and encourage positive behavior that impacts self, family, community.
The Wealthy Fruit Tree was engineered as an analogy that a second grader can understand from a scarcely known macroeconomic theory recognizing how people, planet, and profit interchangeably work together through 8 forms of capital. This tool will empower students with awareness, language, and examples of all forms of capital to achieve an abundantly wealthy lifestyle.